VOANDOS Laser Intrusion Detector works for Safter Campus in Tianjin, China

Author:太阳集团tyc5997有限公司 Click: Time:2018-10-25 15:12:48

Recently, a group of campus perimeter laser intrusion detection and alarm systems have been designed and constructed by Tianjin xx Company for Tianjin TEDA Experimental School, Tianjin Development Zone No. 2 Middle School, Oriental Cambridge Kindergarten, Qiming Kindergarten, Brown Kindergarten, etc. After more than one month of trial operation, the system successfully passed the acceptance with the high stability of zero false alarms and the high reliability. mVOANDOS laser intrusion detection and alarm system has begun to enter the safety of the country’s key strategic resource protection fields such as judicial, military police, petrochemical, electric power, and railways. The campus safety precaution system protects the lives of teachers and students on campus and the safety of campus property!


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